Home / Personal / 引导在布鲁姆斯伯里步行 Guided walk in Bloomsbury

引导在布鲁姆斯伯里步行 Guided walk in Bloomsbury

Gray’s Inn is one of the four remaining Inns of Court, founded in 1370 as a place for lawyers to live and study. This is 1 South Square. Victorian author Charles Dickens worked here as as a clerk when he was young. Several of Dickens’ novels include scenes set in Gray’s Inn.

At the end of the square is a statue of historian and statesman Sir Francis Bacon. He lived here for fifty years until his death in 1626. As Lord Chancellor he has been credited with bringing greater fairness and impartiality to the English legal system. However, he was himself convicted of taking bribes, for which he was fined £40,000 and imprisoned in the Tower of London.

We are now standing in the garden of Gray’s Inn Square. Two hundred years ago the celebrated poet Shelley was severely in debt. He secretly used to meet his future wife Mary here on Sundays, because that was the only day of the week when debtors could not be arrested.

Here is a slideshow of eleven photos of Grays Inn: